PRIMUS PRC-950A Two Pocket Currency Discriminator
- 2 CIS - Count mix value counting for multi currency.
- Auto currency identification.
- Counterfeit Detection Image, Magnetic, Infrared, Ultraviolet, Dual CIS detection.
- Error Detection: Double-note detection, Hald-note detection, Chained-note detection.
- Serial number reading
- Available currency select: MYR, USD, EUR, SGD, GBP, CNY, THB, INR, AUD, HKD, JPY, BND, KRW, IDR, PHP, TWD, VND, SAR, AED, NZD
- Interface: RS-232, USB, SD card
- Touch panel and big size TFT display
- Auto currency recognise for first listed 9 currencies
- Up to 20 currencies
- Options:External display/Printer
- Openable back