This system is for the purpose of issuing purchase orders to your suppliers, issuing goods received note (GRN) when goods arrive from the suppliers. This system is integrated to the Stock System as well as Creditors System. The action of the issue of GRN will update the stock quantities posted to the Stock System and the total invoice value to the Creditors System.
Features of the system:-
Issue purchase orders, goods received note.
Keep individual stock items last purchase price history by each supplier.
Standard purchase price or standard stock cost price are automatically fetched during issue of purchase orders.
Item and bulk discount structures in percentage or amount allowed.
Miscellaneous stock items not maintained in the stock system can be input.
Purchase orders can be edited before update.
Purchase orders from previous months can be viewed on screen or printed.
Purchase analysis by stock items by suppliers available.
Analysis of undelivered goods from suppliers and delivered goods from suppliers can be obtained.
Can be integrated to the accounts payable and stock systems.
Reports available.
List of purchase orders in file
Reprint purchase orders and goods received notes
Purchase price report by individual suppliers
Purchase analysis by stock items
Outstanding purchases pending delivery from suppliers