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Bold Vision Sdn Bhd
Bold Vision Sdn Bhd 199101005598 (215908-A)
+0123933352 WeChat QR
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Wechat ID: +0123933352

Business Nature:

Manufacturer Supplier

Bold Vision Sdn Bhd - We specialize in pigment, masterbatch and compound for a wide range of plastic resin.

Bold Vision Sdn Bhd
Bold Vision Sdn Bhd 199101005598 (215908-A)
Contact Information
Main Office

Bold Vision Sdn Bhd 199101005598 (215908-A)
44, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/47, Kota Kemuning, Seksyen 31, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.



Bold Vision Sdn Bhd

Bold Vision Sdn Bhd
Mr LOH HAI PENG is the founder of Bold Vision Sdn Bhd. Bold Vision Sdn Bhd was established on the 23rd April 1991. We specialized in colour and custom compound material design and development for the plastic industry. We work together with our customer to formulate product that fit our customer desired requirements in terms of Quality, Cost and Delivery.

Our customers’ requirements and satisfaction are always our top priority. BVSB are committed to comply all relevant Environment, Safety and Health legislation, regulations and other requirements for environmental aspects of activities, products and services in BVSB. BVSB was certified to ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO/TS 16949:2016 certification.

Quality Management Principles

In the pursuit of the highest level of customer’s satisfaction, and the business growth arising from this, BOLD VISION has adopted the 7 principles of the Integrated Management:

The Customer Focused Organization

Sustained success is achieved when an organization attracts and retains the confidence of customers and other interested parties. Understanding current and future needs of customers and other interested parties contributes to sustained success of the organization.

Organizations succeed when leaders establish and maintain the internal environment in which employees can become fully involved in achieving the organization’s unified objectives.
Engagement of People

Organizations succeed by retaining competent employees, encouraging continuous enhancement of their knowledge and skills, and empowering them, encouraging engagement and recognizing achievements.
Process Approach

The integrated management system consists of interrelated processes. Understanding how results are produced by this system enables an organization to optimize the system and its performance.
Continual Improvement

Improvement is essential for an organization to maintain current levels of performance, to react to changes in its internal and external conditions and to create new opportunities.
Evidence-based Decision Making

Decision making can be a complex process, and it always involves some uncertainty. Facts, evidence and data analysis lead to greater objectivity will be based on the logical and intuitive analysis of data and factual information gathered evidence and discussed before a final decision is made.
Relationship Management

Interested parties influence the performance of an organization. Sustained success is more likely to be achieved when the organization manages relationships with all of its interested parties to optimize their impact on its performance.

Quality Policy

BOLD VISION SDN BHD committed to provide best solution and service to meet customer expectation of Cost, Quality and Delivery. In order to effectively carry out this policy, we make the following commitments:
  • Complying with Customer and applicable Statutory & Regulatory Requirements.
  • Identifying Risks & 0pportunities that can affect conformity of our products and services.
  • Maximizing Customer Value through improving the smoothness of work.
  • Cost Reduction through elimination of waste in all business processes.
  • Development of Human Resources through providing appropriate training to all employees whose activities have a significant impact upon the products and services.
  • Continually Improvement of our product design, processes and overall quality management system's efficiency and effectiveness.

Lean Manufacturing Policy

BOLD VISION SDN BHD committed to apply Lean Manufacturing System and Practices to reduce costs, eliminate waste, increases productivity and maintaining high levels of quality through below:
  • To promote Lean Manufacturing Awareness and Training
  • To identify type of waste and eliminate the waste
  • Continuous Improvement mind-set throughout the whole organization
  • To focus on adding value to the customer by achieving lower cost, faster delivery, higher flexibility, and better quality
We use several tools to create a successful Lean Manufacturing environment such as the 55 implementation: Seiri (Sorting), Sefton (Simplify or Setting in order), Seiso (Cleanliness), Seiketsu (Standardizing) and Shitsuke (Self-discipline).

Safety & Health Policy

The Occupational Safety and Health of every employee, customers, suppliers and visitors of BOLD VISION SDN BHD are our main priority. Management accepts responsibility for developing, implementing, and directing the Safety and Health program, and to evaluate this program to ensure its effectiveness as stated below
  • To provide and maintain a quality, safe and healthy workplace at all time.
  • To identify and complying with customer requirements, legaI and other requirements
  • To promote Safety & Health awareness, training, enhances the safety standards and develop individua I responsibility
  • To control and manage all significant impact and risks. To investigate all non-conformities of product and services, incidents, occupational diseases and taking preventive actions to ensure they are not repeated.
  • To protect employees from hazards and eliminate of work-related injuries, disabilities, ill health, disease, near misses and fatalities.

Environment Policy

BOLD VISION SDN BHD committed to create a clean environment in all our activities, products and services by committing ourselves to:
  • To protect environment through prevention of water, land, and air pollution by effective control measures.
  • To identify and complying with customer requirements, legal and other requirements as stipulated in the Environmental Legislation, Rules. & Regulations.
  • Reduce the impact of our operations on air, water, land, and resources.
  • Continual improvements in our environmental performance through regular review of our ape rational controls.
  • To promote environmental awareness, training and use of environmental friendly product in our processes.
  • To conserve natural resources by promoting 3R (Reduce., Reuse, Recycle) Concept.

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Main Office

Bold Vision Sdn Bhd 199101005598 (215908-A)
44, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/47, Kota Kemuning, Seksyen 31, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.



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