1.茶花白桃绿茶 Tea tree's flower & peach green tea
日式茶花与水蜜桃结合, 浅浅的甜味可以感受到茶底顺口滋味, 入喉清新舒畅。
The combination of Japanese tea tree's flower and peach gives this beverage a light, sweet, smooth and fresh taste. RM 28.00 /20sachet
2.太妃糖红茶 Toffee black tea
精选锡兰红茶结合鲜奶油般滑润的太妃糖香气, 调配奶茶口感佳。
A blend of Ceylon black tea and creamy toffee, Toffee black tea has a rich flavorful taste which goes well with milk tea. RM 25.00/20 sachet
3.洋甘菊柚香绿茶 Chamomile & citron green tea
淡雅的洋甘菊花香, 添加矢车菊, 佛手柑和香柚更增添了迷人的绿茶香口感, 适合午后慢饮, 放松心情。
The find scent of chamomile and citron enhances the flavour of this delightful beverage which you can enjoy while relaxing in the afternoon.RM 28.00/20
4.蜜香牡丹红茶 Honey peony black tea
精选南投牡丹花与花莲蜜香红茶相互搭配, 散发优雅清爽的花香与天然的蜜香茶味。
Mixed with Nantou peonies and honey black tea that originated from Hualian, the tea offers a fine and fresh aroma along with a natural honey taste and rich, deep flavour.RM 28.00/20 sachet
5.荔枝乌龙茶 Litchi oolong tea
采用顶级乌龙茶叶为基底, 融入夏季盛产的荔枝果香, 一茶一果相得益彰, 入口甘柔不腻, 自然回甘。
Selection the top oolong tea as basic tea and mix litchi fruit fragrance. Taste the sweet and fresh flavour also smell rich fruit and tea aroma, it's very popular beverage for everyone.RM 33.00/20 sachet
6.覆盆子莱姆茶 Raspberry & Lime fruit tea
由精选覆盆子, 柠檬草, 蔷薇果, 苹果肉, 橘皮, 山芙蓉, 莓果味浓且带着莱姆的清香。
The raspberry is considered as the reddest berry in Europe. It is as bright as a ruby yet this small fruit is surprisingly nourishing. Lemongrass highly complements and enhances the flavour of raspberry.
RM 39.00/20 sachet
7.焦糖苹果国宝茶 Caramel apple tea
苹果微酸且迷人不腻的果香, 搭配焦糖的气味, 混搭出独特的口感。
The flavour of the tea is more significant along with slight apple acid, enchanting fruit aroma and also the caramel.RM 28.00/20 sachet
8.茶花白桃绿茶 Tea tree's flower & peach green tea
日式茶花与水蜜桃结合, 浅浅的甜味可以感受到茶底顺口滋味, 入喉清新舒畅。
The combination of Japanese tea tree's flower and peach gives this beverage a light, sweet, smooth and fresh taste.RM 28.00/20 sachet
Pejabat Utama
G & K Food Sdn Bhd 839754V
18, Jalan Temenggong 10, Taman Ungku Tun Aminah, 81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.